
Fusing Art & Design, Culture & Society, Technology & Creativity,  Innovative Thought & Philosophy, Music & Literature


Ein Karem, Israel

While on my March 2016 trip to Israel, introducing more individuals to the Dig Mount Zion project, I had the pleasure of visiting Ein Karem.  This was my third trip to this marvelous settlement, where pottery has been traced back to the Bronze Age.  Beyond its treasures of a 1st Century olive press, 1st Century rituals baths, and ancient reservoir/spring, is an ancient winery.  Preserved in stone you can see the holes and vats where the grapes were pressed and the juice flowed.  Niches are carved ... perhaps for bottles.  I was able to dig at this site a few years ago; it is always so lovely to revisit and I look forward to going back to uncover more of what lies beneath.